Healthy Life

Liver Cancer Experts in Denver: Is Y90 an apt Liver Cancer Treatment?

There are a number of possible treatments for liver cancer. Traditional surgery and systemic chemotherapy still often present the best hope for a cure. But in many cases surgery is not possible, for a variety of reasons. ECCO specializes in an advanced form of treatment that can be effective in such cases. Y90 radioembolization is a minimally-invasive procedure in which microscopic radioactive beads are injected into the blood vessels that supply the tumors, targeting them directly.

Y90 treatment has been hailed as a remarkably effective option in the treatment of liver cancer. It is a palliative rather than curative treatment, meaning that its goal is to slow down the growth of the disease and alleviate symptoms. Y90 treatment has been shown to prolong the life – and quality of life – of patients even with inoperable tumors of the liver. It can also be combined with other types of treatments, thus increasing the possibility of a total cure.

How do ECCO doctors determine whether Y90 is appropriate for you?

Deciding on the most appropriate treatment for a patient’s liver cancer is a team effort. At ECCO, we work hand in hand with your oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and radiologists to find the treatment most suited to your overall state of health, your medical history, and the type and location of your liver cancer. Y90 treatment is not always an option; however, this determination should be made in a clinical setting with the treating physician. If Y90 is an appropriate option in your case, the experts at ECCO will let your treatment team know.

One of the reasons ECCO is considered the best cancer treatment center in Denver is that we are able to offer Y90 radioembolization treatment on an outpatient basis in our office based laboratory. This eliminates the need to check into a hospital, lowers costs for both patients and insurers, and provides a much more comfortable, personalized-care environment. To learn more, or to schedule a consultation, call our offices and ask for Dr. Kovaleski today at 720-250-9799 or make an appointment with them online on our website

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