UFE treatments

Early Detection and Screening: Empowering Women With Choices, Options and Knowledge

October is synonymous with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, pink and women owning their health through early screening and detection. While endovascular specialists at ECCO Medical do not treat breast cancer, the mission of serving women and encouraging women to advocate for their wellbeing and optimal quality of life is the same.

It is our hope that by educating women around topics like uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) and pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS), they will feel empowered to own their health and understand that they have options. At ECCO Medical, we recognize the unique burden these conditions have on the lives of women and are here to help.

Uterine Fibroid Embolization

Uterine fibroids are smooth, muscular tumors that form on the interior walls of the uterus. These growths appear during childbearing years and are so common that 30% of all women develop them by age 35, and as many as 70% of women develop them by age 50. Fortunately, these fibroids are non-cancerous, and do not increase a woman’s chances of developing uterine cancer.

During this procedure, the interventional radiologist introduces a thin catheter into the arteries that feed the fibroids. Using X-ray fluoroscopy to identify the location, the doctor injects a solution of embolizing particles into the arteries. This method closes them and cuts off their oxygen supply, causing the fibroids to shrink or disappear altogether.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Widely underdiagnosed and misunderstood, Pelvic Congestion Syndrome, is a common condition. Also known as Ovarian Vein Reflux or Pelvic Venous Disease, PCS accounts for 10-15% of referrals to gynecologists and pain clinics. PCS is a constellation of symptoms caused when varicose veins develop in the pelvis. These swollen veins occur because of dysfunctional valves in the veins that control the direction of blood flow. This often occurs after multiple pregnancies or because of an anatomic abnormality such as May-Thurner Syndrome.

At ECCO Medical, we understand that “living with the pain” for months is not an option. We take a unique approach to pelvic pain in women by evaluating all possible causes of symptoms. This includes: uterine, endometrial, cervical, vascular, and neurologic. Once we have pinpointed the real cause of the condition, then we can begin to treat it properly with therapies that have a proven history of working. To read more about PCS and its symptoms, click here.

From diagnosis to treatment and recovery, ECCO Medical is here for you every step of the way. Give us a call to talk through your options at 303-529-2778.

*Feature image courtesy of Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash.

ECCO Medical – 8080 Park Meadows Dr Suite 150, Lone Tree, CO 80124

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